Making All Things New

Closet cleanouts are a thing of spring, as are graduations, weddings, and yard work. Two out of those three have the social distance filter happening. This year, you may find yourself doing yard work for a sparsely attended backyard wedding or graduation party while wearing clothes you forgot you had but found during clean-out! We are a good year into Covid, and more stuff has accumulated. Life gets cluttered, even during a pandemic. 
My friend Krista has a closet for every season jam-packed with clothes she’s owned since High School. She is not from the Marie Kondo school of getting rid of something that does not bring you joy, because everything brings Krista joy. She’s that person, always finding the good in things. Every once in a while she’ll root around and find an old gem and reintroduce it into her wardrobe, like a black denim jacket with thick shoulder pads. She’s got the know-how to remove said pads and crunch up the collar so this jacket takes on a whole new look. Krista’s Instagram shows many before and after photos of her fashionable upcycles. She remembers every item she’s ever purchased, and lovingly cares for every piece, be it her favorite prom gown or some old, ragged blue jeans.

 Acts 3:21 tells us that, “God makes all things new.” This is not just a vision to reflect on at the beginning of the year, but now as you check out your neighbor’s goods at a socially distanced garage sale or while cleaning out your desk. There is never a day that God can’t make things new again, he is doing that right now during this pandemic, working all things for good.   

We are one-third of the way through 2021. Take inventory on how this year has really been so far, remembering  God can always make something renewed; the comeback is always stronger than the setback.

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