You Want Me To Be Thankful For What?!

Okay, I’ll be brutally honest. This verse is a tough one for me: “No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”
I Thessalonians 5:18 (Living Bible)

Really God, “No matter what happens?” Last I checked, in my circle of people I love, there’s a lot of suffering. Illness, grief, loss, financial insecurity, infertility, I could go on… I know it’s the same with you and the people you care about. It’s hard to be grateful for all that suffering.

My mom and dad are the most incredible examples of “giving thanks no matter what.” My dad has Multiple Sclerosis. His body keeps breaking down every day. It’s to the point now, that he can’t even feed himself. My mom works so hard caring for him, feeding him every bite, rolling him over in the middle of the night so he doesn’t get bed sores, loving him “for better or worse”. She does it all while suffering chronic back pain, yet doesn’t complain. (I couldn’t even type those few lines without tears streaming down my cheeks. The suffering is so much.)

How in the world do my parents do it? How do they keep their faith strong, their sense of humor intact, and their love unwavering? HOPE. We have hope in a God who loves us unconditionally, can use even the worst suffering for His good, and promises a day when every tear will be wiped from our eyes and there will be no crying or pain.

My prayer for you today is that no matter what circumstances you find yourself in, your faith will be strong and you can give thanks. Praying that His mysterious JOY will fill your heart and give you the hope to be strong.


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